How to Tell If You Need Emergency Tree Removal
August 8, 2019
Over time, the structural integrity of a tree can decline due to disease, age, or pest invasion. With this decline comes potential safety hazards and dangers to people, pets, and property. As the most reputable tree removal company serving Churchville and nearby regions, we want to educate our customers old and new on the signs that they need emergency tree removal.
Visibly Damaged Roots
A trees root system is one of its most significant health indicators. If roots are visibly decaying or damaged, we recommend calling an emergency tree removal service. This is because root damage is a sign that the tree may have lost its structural support and could collapse and fall at any time.
Leaning Trees
Although some trees naturally lean in a particular direction, a tree that starts to bend all of a sudden is a sign that it could be dead or damaged. As a rule, trees with a lean of over 15 percent from vertical should be removed. Any new leans should be inspected by a tree arborist or professional. Sudden extreme leans should be reported instantly before they cause any damage.
Hollow Trees
If the trunk of a tree has become hollow, it’s an indication of poor support and the tree should be removed. Even though a tree can live with a hollow trunk, the overall strength of the tree has been compromised, meaning that it could collapse at any time.
Damaged Trees
If over 50 percent of a tree is damaged, it could be dangerous and should be removed. Damaged trees can survive for many years, so you should only remove these trees as a matter of urgency if they pose a risk to your health or a danger to your property.
Sprouts Emerging From the Trunk
This type of growth is a trees natural response to severe stress. Therefore, we recommend seeking a professional tree inspection to determine the cause of the problem and the necessary solutions available.
Large Dead Branches
If there are large dead branches visible in the tree canopy, these branches should be removed as a matter of urgency. The tree should be thoroughly inspected during the branch removal process to determine the overall health and decide if any further action is needed to prevent danger.
As trees are alive, they have a natural lifespan and can become old and unstable, sometimes compromising a property. If you notice any rapid changes in your trees or strange changes in their appearance or structure, contact All The Above Tree Service immediately. We also provide storm damage cleanup in Newtown and surrounding areas.