The Most Common Tree Diseases in PA
June 26, 2019

Trees are an essential part of our landscape, both aesthetically and environmentally. As with most natural living things, trees are susceptible to several diseases and conditions which can prove fatal if left untreated. As a leading provider of tree care services in Langhorne and surrounding areas, we’ve compiled a list of the most common tree diseases that can be found in the Pennsylvania area.
Powdery Mildew
Powdery Mildew is a fungal disease has a negative impact on a wide range of plants and trees. It thrives in warm, dry climates and often needs a fair amount of humidity to spread. This disease can stop the growth of plants if left untreated. It’s easy to identify as it looks as though flour has been spread across plants, with powdery white circles becoming visible on leaves.
To treat Powdery Mildew, combine a tablespoon of baking soda with half a teaspoon of washing up liquid, spray this liberally on the affected plants, alternatively, you can spray the plants with household mouthwash.
Apple Scab
Apple Scab is caused by a fungus which infects the leaves and fruit of apple trees. If left untreated, this disease can cause significant damage. Infections are most prevalent in early spring, produced by spores from leaves infected in the previous growing season. When infections start, more spores will rapidly spread the disease throughout spring and early summer.
To manage this disease, fungicide spray is needed to control the spread chemically.
This group of stem and fungal leaf diseases can infect Maple, Dogwood, Oak, Sycamore, Ash, and many more tree types. Common symptoms are dead spots on leaves, premature defoliation, twig death, and dying buds.
To treat Anthracnose, it’s recommended that infected plants are removed from the garden and destroyed. For trees, prune away dead wood and destroy any infected leaves. We also recommend spraying a copper-based fungicide on the plants.
Fireblight is named after the scorched appearance of infected leaves affected by this disease. This destructive bacterial condition us found on apples, pears, and other of members the rose family. The disease travels down the tree stems, causing dieback. It attacks new growth areas first, so it’s generally identified at the top of plants.
To treat Fireblight, you must prune of branches a foot down from the diseased section and apply liquid copper solutions to the trees.
For disease prevention and treatment and other tree care services in Yardley and surrounding areas, call All The Above Tree Services on 215-645-1379.